Fire flies and music | Palau de la Música

Fire flies represent hope on the path, a desire in a cloud of stars, life in a world that seems to have disappeared. We enter a world of illusions, of movement, where music plays again and the fire flies become musical notes full of joy celebrating their wonderful night, making the most of every second they give us.

Concert Hall

Fire flies and musical notes

Lights in the form of musical notes in the stalls that turn on or off according to the beat at a certain moment.
The piano projecting the music as it sounds, with the letters forming a tree.

Lluís Millet Hall

1. Modernist flower sculptures by sound and light

We propose to create an experience that allows visitors to immerse themselves in the world of nature represented by the works of Regina Saura and transported to the architecture of Rita Roqueta.

References (Team Lab)

These enchanted flowers generate a symphony of sound and light that draws us into the magic of nature. As we move forward, musical textures appear that organically sweep through the space. Sometimes, the sum of musical layers generates harmonic results, occasionally disconcerting. Sometimes it is very full, sometimes some layers disappear. The randomness of the grid makes the musical result evolve constantly.

Lluís Millet Hall

2. Paths of organic telescopes

The transparency and depth created by Regina Saura's pictorial work takes you into an infinite space. We live a transformation that takes us from the darkness and loss of instincts to peace and origin.

Modernist flowers

Sketches by Regina Saura

Human Talent

Regina Saura | Multidisciplinary artist |
Rita Roqueta | Architect |
Gad Sans | Music |
Isabel Ros | Graphic design |